The Ph.D. thesis title is “Geometric characterization of the roughness evaluated on surfaces".
The theoretical objective of this thesis is to propose a geometric characterization of surface roughness from fractal models, for objects of arbitrary topology, represented by 3D meshes. This characterization will generate a corpus of geometric models (curves and surfaces) of reference roughness. This corpus will be available to researchers and engineers of all disciplines to carry out numerical simulations. They will serve to understand the impact of roughness on a physical phenomenon and to study its properties.
- identite:
- Janbein Mohamad
- statut:
- a:1:{i:0;s:9:"Doctorant";}
- equipe:
- Modélisation Géométrique
- fonction:
- adresse_postale:
- Université de Bourgogne - Avenue Alain Savary - 21000 Dijon
- telephone:
- localisation:
- bâtiment ESIREM - G201 (à partir du 1er septembre 2021)
- courriel:
- url_site_perso_ou_professionnel:
- travaux_de_recherche_passes:
- enseignements_dispenses:
- autres_activites:
- photo_de_profil:
- 1989
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- kc_raw_content: