– ANR FRACLETTES project: study of surface roughness using wavelets analysis and fractal models.
– SIMUPOR project: Pore space Segmentation using curve skeleton for biological simulations.
– CEA / IMB / Le2i phd thesis: Blending pieces of Dupin cyclides for 3D modeling and reconstruction: study in space of spheres.
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- kc_raw_content:
- identite:
- Druoton Lucie
- statut:
- a:1:{i:0;s:14:"Post Doctorant";}
- equipe:
- Modélisation Géométrique
- fonction:
- a:1:{i:0;s:8:"searcher";}
- adresse_postale:
- Université de Bourgogne - Laboratoire LIB - Avenue Alain Savary - 21000 Dijon
- telephone:
- localisation:
- Bâtiment ESIREM - 2ème étage
- courriel:
- lucie.druoton@u-bourgogne.fr
- url_site_perso_ou_professionnel:
- travaux_de_recherche_passes:
- enseignements_dispenses:
- autres_activites:
- photo_de_profil:
- 2366