PhD Subject (ICE financing): Semantic Data Lakes, an approach merging symbolic AI and machine learning.
Research Internship Subject: Semantic transmedia annotation by automatic keyword extraction, study of the contribution of Machine and Deep Learning methods.
Research Master tutored project : Automatic detection of polarization between communities of individuals on online social networks according to the degree of antagonism of their boundaries.
- Guyot, Alexis, Annabelle Gillet, and Éric Leclercq. " Detection of antagonism and polarization on social media through community boundaries."
- Guyot, Alexis, Annabelle Gillet, and Éric Leclercq. “Frontières des communautés polarisées: application à l’étude des théories complotistes autour des vaccins."
Research Master : Social graphs anonymization and compression.
End of DUT research-oriented internship at the Centre des Données of the astronomical observatory of Strasbourg (CDS) : creation of a chatbot-type virtual assistant for astronomers.
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- kc_raw_content:
- identite:
- Guyot Alexis*
- statut:
- a:1:{i:0;s:9:"Doctorant";}
- equipe:
- Science des Données
- fonction:
- a:1:{i:0;s:8:"searcher";}
- adresse_postale:
- 9, Avenue Alain Savary - Université de Bourgogne - 21078 Dijon
- telephone:
- localisation:
- Faculté des sciences Mirande, Aile H
- courriel:
- url_site_perso_ou_professionnel:
- travaux_de_recherche_passes:
- enseignements_dispenses:
- autres_activites:
- photo_de_profil:
- 1980